With Christen Enrich
Join us for breath work and refreshments with Christen, a breath work and reiki coach.
What is breathwork?
Breathwork encompasses various techniques that incorporate intentional use of the breath. Basically, you can learn to regulate the flow of breath to balance the body and mind.
Breathwork is an all-natural, at-your-fingertips way to enhance your wellbeing!
What are the different types of breathwork?
When I am facilitating, I will be doing a 3 part breath which is breathing into the belly then
into the chest, and then exhaling with the mouth open.
There are many types of breathwork including deep abdominal breathing, 4-7-8 breath,
alternate nostril breathing, breath of fire, and holotropic breathwork.
How does it work?
When we breathe consciously, the mind slows down and hones into the present moment.
That causes a sense of relief, allowing us to go back to our day-to-day activities feeling
clear and focused.
Even the smallest break can go a long way in boosting concentration and calmness.
What are the benefits of breathwork?
Breathwork helps put the brakes on acute stress response and diverts the health problems
associated with chronic stress. By eliciting the body’s relaxation response, deep abdominal
breathing helps reduce blood pressure.