Make your body your temple. Make your asana your ritual. Let your breath be your prayer.

Our Studio

Our studio offers a place in which your truth, beauty, and courageous spirits are brought out and celebrated—we deeply honor and respect your path to your deeper self!  We believe whatever practice resonates with you, calls you over and over again to the mat, and opens your heart, is the practice that is right for you. We aim to honor and revere yoga in all of its diversity and make Bindu a place of discovery for you.

Our Classes

We have just entered our 15th year of offering a diverse weekly schedule of yoga classes with some of the best teachers in South Florida. Some of our many class offerings include Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Restorative, Iyengar Inspired and Yoga Nidra. Most of our classes are all levels friendly, and modifications and personalization are always encouraged.

Yoga teachers in a studio

Our Teachers

Our family consists of skilled and unique instructors who create a welcoming, nurturing yoga experience in each class. Our teachers are inspired by a variety of yoga practices: Hatha, Nidra, Ayurveda, somatic movement, dance, pranayama, meditation, community spirit. Outside of our regular classes, we host experts who offer a variety of workshops for continued education for yoga teachers, deeper exploration for students, and general wellbeing.

Welcome one and all to our home!