The practices of yoga and the 12 steps help bring us back into right alignment & set sail on our spiritual journey.
***By Donation***
Yoga of 12 step recovery is a 12 step base discussion and yoga practice open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others.
In this group, we weave together the ancient wisdom of yoga and the practical tools of 12 step programs.
We recognize that the issues live in our tissues and through our intentional themed yoga practice, guided by our breath. we invoke the higher power of our understanding to help us release tension, stress, anxiety, fear, shame, or any other pent-up emotion held in the body, that no longer serves us.
The analogy used is that as humans we are like a vessel. Addiction and/or unmanageability turns our vessel upside down.
***By Donation***